Background Removal Service

We offers a professional photo editing service that specializes in background removing from images

Our team of experienced editors uses top-of-the-line software to provide high-quality results for every project. We understand the importance of having clean and polished images for your business needs, which is why we strive for 100% customer satisfaction. We offer competitive pricing and fast turnaround times to ensure that your business needs are met in a timely and efficient manner. Trust us to deliver exceptional results every time and take the burden of photo editing off your shoulders. Contact us now to learn more about our photo background removal services.

Get your photo background remove service projects done quickly and affordably by outsourcing to Path's skilled team. Prices start at $0.49 per image. You can have large amounts of pictures edited in less than 24 hours.

We draw around the edges of the image carefully to make it look neat. This way, your picture will look great and people will be more likely to buy your product.

Check out our beautiful Background Remove service projects

What are image background removal services?

Image background removal is the process of editing an image by removing the background. This technique is commonly used in photo editing and graphic design to isolate the main subject of an image and remove any unnecessary or distracting elements in the background. With professional image background removal, the result is a crisp, clear, and attention-grabbing image that can be used in a variety of applications, such as marketing materials, e-commerce listings, and social media content. This technique requires specialized software and experience, so it’s best to hire a professional service provider for the best results.

Places where background removal can be especially useful:

  • Ecommerce spaces, for selling products online
  • Selling products on online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy
  • In your own online catalog on your site
How much do image background remove services cost?

Not all image background remove services are alike, so the rates for each project vary. Every image is different, but we follow standard pricing guidelines to make sure your rate is always clear and objective, even if you’re working with a different designer.

Here’s an overview of how we price different image background remove service projects:

Basic image background remove$0.50 per image

The Basic Image Background Remove Service is a service that involves the removal of the background from images. This service is typically used by companies and individuals who wish to enhance the visual appeal of their images for use in various digital and printed materials. The process of background removal involves isolating the main subject in an image and carefully removing the background to create a clean and professional look.

Medium complex image background remove$1.50 per image

The medium complex image background removal service involves the removal of medium complex background from images that have a moderate level of complexity. This service is particularly useful for businesses that need to enhance the visual appeal of their product images on e-commerce stores or other online platforms. With this service, you can remove all distracting elements from your images and showcase your product in a more professional and appealing manner.

Complex image background remove$1.99 per image

Complex image background removal service refers to a specialized technique in image editing, used to eliminate any unwanted background from a photograph. This service is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses, photographers, graphic designers, and publishers who need to create professional-grade images for their websites and marketing materials. The process involves using advanced image editing software to accurately cut out the object from the background and refine the edges to achieve a seamless and natural-looking result. Complex image background removal service is a highly technical process that requires the skills of a professional image editor to ensure that the final image is of high quality and meets the standards of the industry.

Super Complex image background remove$2.99 per image

Our company also offers a professional image background removal service that specializes in complex backgrounds. This service is designed to assist customers in achieving a clean and polished look for their images. Our team utilizes advanced software and techniques to ensure accurate and precise removal of complex backgrounds, resulting in high-quality images. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or if you are interested in utilizing our services.

Why e-commerce entrepreneurs and photographers outsource their image background remove service projects to ClippingStock

Your talent and creative energy is best spent on doing what you love — not fiddling in Photoshop for hours figuring out tedious edits.


customers have trusted us with their image edits


images are edited each day.

We don’t use automated software here. Every clipping path service is carefully done by hand. We’re not finished until every item of clothing and accessory appears natural, and the colors and textures look just right.

How it works?

image Clipping path Service

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